This delightful bouquet of pink roses in a vintage-inspired glass cube is a magical gift. The glass cube has a beautiful design for any hummingbird lover.
Substitutions Made When Necessary
Image used with permission by Teleflora.
Image is a one sided arrangement. Bouquet will be made all around.
A lovely arrangement of pink & white roses and Daisies in a pretty glass cube vase (approx. 4" x 4") which is decorated with a beautiful Butterfly and flowers.
Substitutions made when necessary.
Image used with permission by Teleflora.
Bursting from an enchanting white ceramic pumpkin, this fabulous fall mix of roses and mums is magical!
Give the natural beauty of Fall to someone you're thinking about today.
Substitutions made when necessary.
Image used with permission by Teleflora.
A lovely mix of long lasting houseplants in a basket. A nice gesture to convey your feelings
Mix of plants and container to vary.
Shown is approximately 12” high x 12” wide
The purple lover in your life will be delighted to receive this beautiful arrangement. Lavender roses, purple stock and mums as well as lavender carnations go together beautifully. The glass polished purple cylinder vase measures approximately 5" x 5".
Substitutions made when necessary.
Image used with permission by Teleflora.
Make their day - send this cheerful mix of flowers. Yellow, orange, purple, and reds combine to radiate happiness!
Substitutions made when necessary.
Photo used with permission by Teleflora.
Send a bright hello to someone to cheer them up or thank them for all they do for you!
A bright mix of flowers radiate warmth & cheer.
Substitutions made when necessary.
A bright, energetic arrangement for any occasion. Pink roses and lilies pop when arranged with fresh shades of green arranged in a green glass cube vase which can be used afterwards as a container or candle holder. A lovely gift for a special person.
Substitutions made when necessary.
Image used with permission by Teleflora.
Bright sunflowers are the main attraction in this autumn arrangement in a ceramic pumpkin. What a truly gorgeous gift for somebody special.
They'll love it year-round - for flowers, candy or just to admire.
Substitutions made when necessary.
Image used with permission by Teleflora.