A bright, energetic arrangement for any occasion. Pink roses and lilies pop when arranged with fresh shades of green arranged in a green glass cube vase which can be used afterwards as a container or candle holder. A lovely gift for a special person.
Substitutions made when necessary.
Image used with permission by Teleflora.
A lovely arrangement of pink & white roses and Daisies in a pretty glass cube vase (approx. 4" x 4") which is decorated with a beautiful Butterfly and flowers.
Substitutions made when necessary.
Image used with permission by Teleflora.
A lovely arrangement of luxurious lavender roses, white lilies, and other purple flowers will surely please and warm someone's heart! Hand delivered in a pretty purple glass cube vase which can be used afterwards as a candle holder.
Substitutions made when necessary.
Image used with permission by Teleflora.
Brighten someone's day with flowers! Send Sweet Surprise as a pick me up and make their day!
A beautiful, soft colored arrangement in a basket.
Substitutions made when necessary.
Hugs in a vase is just what is says. A mix of soft, yet cheerful flowers will give a warm hug to someone you care about. Arranged in a clear glass vase.
Substitutions made when necessary.
A lovely mixture of beautiful blooms arranged in a clear glass vase. Flowers are a wonderful way to show your support and care.
Substitutions made when necessary.
White Chrysanthemums Daisy, Blue Iris, Small White Monte Casino, Solidaster, Oregonia, Yellow Chrysanthemums Daisy.
You may not be able to hug them in person right now so why not send a flower hug? A beautiful basket of mixed flowers will let someone know how much you care.
Color of the basket to vary.
Flower substitutions made when necessary.
Image used with permission by Teleflora.
Opening the door to a surprise bouquet is one of life's happiest experiences. Give it to someone special with this delightful array beautiful blooms arranged in a clear glass vase.
They'll be talking about it for days!
Substitutions made when necessary.
Image used with permission by Teleflora.